Lecker’s Beef Patty with Rich Tomato Sauce filling
Serves 2
Lecker’s Beef patties with tomato filling
4 hand peeled and cut potatoes into stripes.
Pinch of salt & pepper
4 table spoon of olive oil
Corn & green peas (2 cups) mixed
2 table spoons of olive oil
Parboil the potato in salted water,
Remove, drain and place on a greased oven tray and bake for 10 to 14 minutes, turning often so they don’t stick, season before you serve.
Place patties in a greased heated pan on medium-high heat. Allow to sear on both sides and gently stand like a wheel and roll over slowly and allow to seal all around.
Place in pre heated oven and allow to bake for a further 7 minutes.
Remove and rest before serving.
Bring to the boil the corn and peas, drain and serve with the patties and potato chips, enjoy.